Friday, November 25, 2011

Inhouse Laundry closes!!!

If a hotel starts out sourcing the Laundry service and closing down the entire laundry inhouse then hotel may face the following problems....

Emergency pressing (hourly),
Express Laundry service (within 3 - 4 hrs),
Repressing or Rewashing,
Guest Laundry damage and compensation,
Count missing,
Damage of linen,
Stain not removed (rewash),
Collection and delivery on time,
Linen Life,
Unnessacery stain and damage due to tranport and handling,
Increasing the par stock.
For first three, it is suggested that the hotel should have a minmum set up of small laundry having a washerextractor (heater inbuilt), dryer (heater inbuilt) and steam pressing table (boiler inbuilt).

For stain, linen damage, guest laundry damage and rewash the hotel and Laundry contrator has to arrive a metual aggrement and proceed further.

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